Gets you marketing and technical support
Gets you marketing and technical support
The Musikgarten license promotes the high standards of Musikgarten programs, and offers you instant name recognition as a teacher of outstanding music education for children. It identifies you as a member of an international network of Musikgarten programs and professional music educators, and it entitles you to use our exceptional line of quality family materials and instruments for reduced fees. With the Musikgarten license you qualify for reduced fees for additional Musikgarten training and events and you will have exclusive access to a variety of promotional material.
1. License for Teachers
Upon obtaining Musikgarten certification through attending workshops, it is compulsory for the teacher to sign up for the Musikgarten License for her business. There are many benefits in signing up for the License. Apart from special discounts for family materials and workshop previews, the licensee will also be given assistance in marketing and promotions activities.
The Musikgarten License is valid for a period on 1 year only. It can be renewed subject to the licensee showing proof that she has adhered to Musikgarten’s philosophy and quality policy.
All Musikgarten training are approved by the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association in the U.S. (ECMMA). The ECMMA is an umbrella organization that recognizes training according to the qualifications of the instructor and the content of the course. Teachers can write to ECMMA to get more information on the certification.
2. License for Music Studios & Music Schools to be appointed as Authorised Musikgarten Centres (AMC)
If you own a Music Studio or Music School and would like to offer MUSIKGARTEN programme, you can sign-up for a license to be appointed as an Authorised Musikgarten Centre (AMC). AMCs are given assistance in marketing and promotions activities. They will also get help in recruiting Licensed Musikgarten Teachers to teach at their centres. In addition, AMCs get a special discount if they sponsor their own teachers to attend Musikgarten training.
Do get in touch with us if you would like your music school to be appointed as an Authorised Musikgarten Centre.
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